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Internationaler UN Kindertag

Through the eyes of a child ❤️🧸🪅 UN-KINDERTAG am 01. Juni🧸🪅❤️

❤️Through the eyes of a child ❤️🧸🪅 - UN-Kindertag 🧸🪅❤️

❤️Kinder, die einst misshandelt wurden, bewahren für immer ein "inneres, traumatisiertes Kind" in sich.

❤️Diese heute Erwachsene und die nahe erwachsene Generation der Z und Alpha, lassen in raren Momente des Lebens,

das unschuldige und innigste Glück eines Kindes in ihren Augen aufblitzen.

❤️Diese Momente sind von voller Sicherheit, Geborgenheit und Vertrauen.

❤️Sie haben sich diese Momente wieder erkämpft 🧸🪅❤️

( dass ich es schreibe, fließen mir aber die 😢Tränen )

#Trauma als Kind erleben zu müssen ist eine #Gewalt,

die niemand verdient hat und sollte auch niemand je erleben müssen!

🚩Diese Kinder haben also eine oder mehrere dieser Geschehnisse 1x oder mehrmals erlebt:

- emotionaler Missbrauch

- körperlicher Missbrauch

- sexualisierter Missbrauch

- emotionale Vernachlässigung

- körperliche Vernachlässigung

- Augenzeuge einer oder mehrerer diesen Trauma Arten.



❤️RAEMONN: Through the Eyes of a Child

Sweet innocent child with your open eyes

You've seen us for who we really are

And I know that there'll be tomorrow

So that hope can have it's glory day

And I wish that this world would embrace you

From magic stars and mystery

My open heart

Why did we make it so hard, this life is so complicated

Until we see it through the eyes of a child

Why did we make it so hard, this life is so complicated

Until we see it through the eyes of a child

I know you, I've seen your face before

You brought me to this open door

Afraid to walk through

Please take my hand

I know that there will be tomorrow

So that hope can have it's glory day?

And I wish that this world embrace you

From magic stars and mystery

My open heart

Why did we make it so hard, this life is so complicated

Until we see it through the eyes of a child

Why did we make it so hard, this life is so complicated

Until we see it through the eyes of a child

I see where we'll go from here

'Cause love doesn't break

With the right amount of care

In your hands is whom you've choosen to be

Life is a freedom

Now go out there and be free

Why did we make it so hard, this life is so complicated

Until we see it through the eyes of a child

Why did we make it so hard, this life is so complicated

Until we see it through the eyes of a child

Why did we make it so hard, this life is so complicated

Until we see it through the eyes of a child

Why did we make it so hard, this life is so complicated

Until we see it through the eyes of a child

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